Are You Dealing With Unexpected, Shocking Radical Change?
Besides death and taxes, another certainty in life is change. Nothing remains the same. Some change is good for the soul, for our loved ones and for our world.
But when unexpected radical change happens, it can tear apart the fabric of your life. The range of emotions can be as dramatic as the circumstances – denial, anger, fear, rage,resistance, anxiety, depression, grief and emptiness.
Life as you know it is gone. There’s no way back. What do you do? How do you cope? Where do you go to reconstruct a new life?
Does some of this sound familiar? I understand what you’re going through because I’ve been there, too. Please know you’re not alone. We’re here to help. That’s what the Path2Butterfly Forum is all about.
For most of my life, I’ve been about change, making a difference. I’ve had a successful career as a communications consultant, writer and advocate of important causes. For over two decades, the professional, volunteer and personal life I shared with my beloved husband, soul mate and business partner Bill all meshed together. Then, a wave of radical changes hit us hard and it unraveled.
I helped my parents cope with Alzheimer’s and heart disease, but lost them both. With no time to grieve, I was there for Bill as he battled advanced stage prostate cancer, dementia and lung disease. The stress took its toll, but I resisted the truth about what was happening to my life. I got stuck in a dark state of limbo.
When Bill died in 2010, I tried to keep going, then finally let go…and began learning the most important lessons of my life. I learned that what doesn’t kill you, transforms you. Never give up!
I got to acceptance, then learned how to work through the uncertain, nebulous state called the “butterfly soup.”
I learned how to find answers to my questions about navigating the unknown, take better care of myself, embrace “now,“ make peace with the past, define my new status quo and reshape my life. The stages in the process took time… akin to the path of a butterfly. Now, I’m well on the other side. I’m happier, more energized and alive than ever! The “butterfly spirit” inspired me to soar into this next stage of my life.
To inspire and ease your journey, I’ve created the Path2Butterfly Forum for building a safe community for learning, sharing and connecting with others recovering from radical change. At the start, you’ll discover the valuable lessons, process and resources I used to move forward.
My vision is for the Forum to grow organically over time. I plan to build a private Forum platform on Facebook™ and link it to this blog for broader sharing and connection as our community of seekers of positive transformation grows. Later, the Forum will host webinars and Q&A sessions with guest authors and speakers who can share additional helpful expertise and perspectives.
Radical change can be traumatic! Move through the pain to healing and growing. Please join us in the Forum. Become part of our community. Ask questions, share your comments and insights. Together, let’s inspire each other to transform and soar even higher…